Business Accelerator Model – Sales Diagnostic Tool

Five tips to win business in a crisis

Until now, best practice for high value technology sales has comprised three steps: Discover a prospective customer issue that you can solve, perceived at C-Level to be disruptive Quantify the …

Why sales deals get stuck

Top job interview tips

In these rapidly changing times, one thing we have learned with interviews is to expect the unexpected.  Often the simple things get overlooked, which make the difference to a successful …

get stalled sales deal moving

Top three actions for a remote sales force

More recent sales training and methodologies promote the idea that customers are well informed about vendors’ solutions, and that “discovery” questions are no longer required to establish needs because buyers …

remote management across borders

How to lead a remote sales team

Today, I wanted to invite a discussion about how sales leaders can support their teams.   Many of todays leaders did not experience the 2008 market downturn or the even …

Harnessing research for sales success

Harnessing research for sales success

We’re operating in a world where technology means we have a wealth of information to hand, but sometimes more isn’t always better. The power of online data sources gives sales …

essential skills for pre-sales

Five essential skills for pre-sales

Pre-sales engineers/consultants are an integral part of the technology sales team and their role is constantly evolving. They act as subject matter experts in their field and add value to …

manage remote sales staff

10 tips for effective remote management

Effectively managing remote sales staff across different locations can be challenging, trust me, I’ve done it before. As a former senior software sales professional and global VP with over 30 …